Kategorie: Editorial - Page 1

In a podcast interview, TOLERANT Software Managing Director Stefan Sedlacek revealed how fault-tolerant search works in data quality tools and the technology behind it. The podcast interview was conducted by Ashley Steele. You can read an excerpt from the interview here.

The TOLERANT company search with auto-completion helps you to find customers quickly, save up to 90% time in data entry and improve forecasting and controlling in sales at the same time.

Migrating data from multiple sources into a new information management system is a complex and often headache-inducing undertaking. Data migration is usually necessary to keep pace with technological advances and industry standards, but it requires a great deal of effort. Data from different storage areas – both on-premises and in the cloud – must be evaluated, analyzed, cleansed and organized before it can be combined and matched.

The digital transformation is in full swing. It brings great benefits, but also challenges. More and more data is being collected, processed and used for analysis. To ensure that these huge datasets actually provide useful information for your company, the quality of the data is a crucial success factor.

The time will soon come: As of May 25, 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR) will apply in Germany. This makes data protection one of the burning issues for 2018.

The quality of your data is fundamental to many areas of your business. That’s why it’s important to continuously monitor and, if necessary, improve data quality. This so-called DQ issue management works smoothly if a corresponding process is professionally designed, set up and executed.

At the heart of marketing is communication between providers of services or products and their potential customers. For personal dialogue with customers via digital channels, customer data plays the central role.

Summer is coming to an end and many a person is thinking about how they can soon soak up some sun again in autumn or winter. A quick visit to the travel agency and you’re ready to go.

When it comes to duplicates, many spontaneously think of duplicate cover letters. But that is only one side of the coin. Clear customer data is much more important as a basis for decisions and processes. For example, for reliable risk management, for ABC classification of customers and for a 360-degree view, there should be no duplicates in your inventory, otherwise the data basis is falsified.

TOLERANT Software has been active on the Asian market since 2014. Connected to this are many visits of the management and the consultants to Tokyo. While the film shows a rather gloomy, melancholic picture of Tokyo, our experiences at TOLERANT are completely different.