TOLERANT Assistant

TOLERANT Assistant

The TOLERANT Address Entry Wizard

The auto-completion of TOLERANT Post supports you internationally.

Wizards for easier data entry have been known in data processing for a long time. Lists help to select possible entries, programs check if the syntax of the e-mail address is valid.

Since navigation systems have been around, assistants have been called “logical”. This promises perfection and faultlessness, and in the car such a logical assistant can actually be practical: You enter the destination, then the beginning of the street name of your destination, and only those streets appear that come into question at the destination. It’s a pity, however, that the logic-driven assistant doesn’t forgive the slightest error – and who hasn’t made a mistake when typing in addresses? If you want to go to Carl-Bosch-Strasse, but type in “Karl” – the logical assistant in the navigation system won’t find anything at all.

In the office or even in the field, such logical assistants are anathema. If you get lost in digital nowhere under time pressure or in the presence of customers, you can quickly despair.

TOLERANT Post therefore is equipped with a fast completion mode. All it takes is a fragment of an address. The program checks the possible variants and suggests to the user the still possible alternatives. In addition, TOLERANT Post also uses a fuzzy search when selecting alternatives. This way we determine a valid postal address in more than 95% of all queries: Entering “karl bo 6” “65 wiesba” results in the valid address Carl-Bosch-Str. 6 65203 Wiesbaden.

Whether web store, call center or direct sales: TOLERANT Post‘s fast completion mode supports users wherever postal addresses have to be entered. This increases the acceptance of the systems, reduces the abandonment rates, reduces the number of fake addresses and incidentally improves the quality of the address data.

TOLERANT Post reduces costs and increases turnover.