Still googling or already searching?

»Googling« has been a synonym for searching the internet in the German prescriptive Duden dictionary for some years now. For at least two thirds of Germans, the use of search engines has become an everyday occurrence. Without Google & Co. nothing can be planned, experienced or checked today. No text, no holiday, no job, no purchase for which it does not assist.

Google search has dramatically changed our behaviour in dealing with hits. A few years ago it was still “normal” to analyse up to eight hit pages more intensively. Today, few users are motivated to look at the results of more than three pages.

At the same time, we expect internet search engines to provide us with results that only partially match our input. A search for »Angie« leads to both the title of the Rolling Stones and »Angela Merkel«, and when we enter »bobama« Google naturally assumes that we mean »Barack Obama«.

The experts refer to this as a fuzzy search, which uses a combination of linguistic research (didactics) and mathematical methods. The aim is to calculate the probability between the input and the potential hits. That is the theory.

In practice, fuzzy search methods can also become valuable aids in other places. Integrated into a merchandise management system, a CRM system or a call centre solution, the fuzzy search supports you in researching companies, persons or articles. Even if you have not entered the exact name. You avoid queries, save time and can concentrate on the actual application.

Or how would you like it if the search for »Champion Legue« remained without any hits?

Thanks to error-tolerant search technology, TOLERANT Match finds people even with typing errors or different spellings in their names. TOLERANT Match can be customised to your specific needs for best results. Even with partial information or different spellings, you can find customers in fractions of a second. This facilitates work in the organisation, in sales and in all processes that require fast and accurate access to customer data.