TOLERANT MPM Release 1.11


Notices and Warnings

New Product Features

Client GUI

  • TPR-7432: Added feature in GUI to set customers active or inactive.
  • TPR-9667: The application context of changelog and querylog entries are now presented in the GUI.
  • TPR-9945: Inputfields are now trimmed before sending a request via GUI.
  • TPR-10113: Added an indicator that determines whether a customer is active or not.
  • TPR-10181: Improved representation of EF fields.


  • TPR-10012: New endpoints were implemented to merge/de-merge duplicated customers:
    • /v1/customers/merge: merges multiple customers
    • /v1/customers/demerge: reverts the merge operation for the given customer
    • /v1/customers/{id}/merge: gets the merge information for a certain customer

    More information about concepts and usage regarding this topic are described in the manual.

  • TPR-10037: The new query parameter ‚autoMerge‘ can be used to control, whether the update request replaces the stored data for the customer (autoMerge=false) or is used to extend the customer data (autoMerge=true). The default value for autoMerge is false. The auto-merge process and its configuration is described in more details in the manual.
  • TPR-10087: Integrated new version of WsAuth component for authentication and authorization (Version 11.0). The changes in WsAuth consist of the following list:
    • TPR-9954 – Passwords can now also be hashed using SimpleFileLoginModule.
    • TPR-9978 – WsAuth-config now also supports the YAML format.
    • TPR-9976 – AccountData.password is no longer mandatory. This is relevant when SimpleFileLoginModule is only used to define groups, and authentication is managed via LDAP/AD.
    • TPR-10199 – Its now allowed to disable accounts when using SimpleFileLoginModule.


  • TPR-9663: It is now possible for an application to provide a context for all of the requested changes and queries. The context will be presisted in the database (in the ‚changelog‘ table for change requests and in the ‚querylog‘ table for customer search and consolidation requests) .
  • TPR-10268: Bundled Java runtime was upgraded to use JRE 8u332-b09 and Tomcat 9.0.63

Fixed Bugs

Client GUI

  • TPR-10166: The GUI now preserves the order of customers delivered from the backend when searching for customers.


  • TPR-10155: The order of customer hits is now deterministic even if the hits have the same score value.

Known Bugs

  • Currently no known bugs.