TOLERANT MPM Release 1.5



  • Links in link relations are no longer fully qualified, but consist only of the absolute path. The schema, host and port of the link are omitted and the client has to provide them to build the fully qualified URL.
  • Added new API to exclude individual legal entities from a global customer blocking.
  • Added new API to simplyfy the workflow for creating new versions of consent texts groups.
  • The new columns consentTextVersion, consentTextRevision, consentTextCountry and consentTextLanguage have been added to unambiguously reference consent text (customerconsents.csv).
  • The loader is now idempotent.
  • Added new API to simplyfy the workflow for creating new revisions of consent texts.
  • Added new API for administration of external systems and key providers. This requires a DB schema migration ( update)

New Product Features

Client GUI

  • The workflow for creating new versions of consenttexts and textblocks has been improved.
  • The first input field of a form is now focused when it is displayed for the first time.
  • The workflow for creating new versions of consent texts has been simplified.
  • Additional documentation has been made available via the help button.
  • The GUI now uses the inputfield constrains of the service API.
  • New functionality for the administration of external systems and key providers has been added.
  • Improved several minor formatting and spelling issues.


  • Added new API to exclude individual legal entities from a global customer blocking.
  • The new columns consentTextVersion, consentTextRevision, consentTextCountry and consentTextLanguage have been added to unambiguously reference consent text (customerconsents.csv).
  • The loader is now idempotent.
  • The loader will now write invalid lines in a specific reject file.
  • The loader now supports updating of data in MPM with option –upsert (see loader’s manual for details).
  • The loader now supports deletion of data in MPM with option –delete (see loader’s manual for details).
  • Added new API for administration of external systems and key providers.
  • Additional details have been added to loader logging (does not apply to existing installations).


  • Links in link relations are no longer fully qualified, but consist only of the absolute path. The schema, host and port of the link are omitted and the client has to provide them to build the fully qualified URL.
  • Added new API to exclude individual legal entities from a global customer blocking.
  • Added new API to simplyfy the workflow for creating new versions of consent texts groups.
  • Performance regarding some database calls has been improved.
  • Added new query parameter „activeDataOnly“ to enrich customer master data with inactive contact data for a customer.
  • Added new API to simplyfy the workflow for creating new revisions of consent texts.
  • An optional market consent federation of a customer consent can now be given by name instead of by federation’s URI.
  • Added new API for administration of external systems and key providers.
  • Searches for customers via id are now also tracked in the query log.
  • The behaviour of the limit parameter for service requests has been harmonised.
  • Optimized DB queries to ensure a constant response time for retrieving a customer.
  • Added parameter to deactivate the customer permission state for each individual search result (includeTotalStatusOnly). This can improve the performance of the consolidatedpermissions API.


  • The script mpm-db-migrate.bat/.sh now returns exit code 1 instead of -1 in case of failures.

Fixed Bugs

Client GUI

  • TPR-7431: Deleting of customers via the GUI now works as intended.
  • TPR-7616: Customer data update works now if customer was found by a fuzzy search.
  • TPR-7743: All mandatory fields are now correctly displayed with asterisks.


  • TPR-7531: Column „ef4“ of customers.csv is now imported.
  • TPR-7664: Loader now takes capture date of consent into account to determine the proper market consent federation.
  • TPR-7735: It is now possible to load customerblockings.csv on its own with command-line option –include customerblockings.
  • TPR-7739: It is now possible to load consentfederations.csv on its own with command-line option –include consentfederation.


  • TPR-7350: Consolidated Permission Status API now processes null values of the consolidation function properly again.
  • TPR-7584: Parameter „closureDate“ of service API „closeConsentFederation“ now has the correct type „query“.
  • TPR-7601: Conditional GET with ETag for a customer now returns the new customer representation even if only external keys of customer has been changed.
  • TPR-7618: Contact data is now set inactive again on update and a new active one is created representing the new state.
  • TPR-7732: Creation of consent federation without scope is now responded with a proper error message by service.
  • TPR-7745: The change of the attribute „isCustomerCommunicable“ of a customer blocking type is now correctly submitted to service.
  • TPR-7753: The change of a name while editing a drafted consent federation is now correctly submitted to service.
  • TPR-7789: Missing zipcode in address no longer results ins internal error when saving a customer.

Known Bugs

  • TPR-7790: Upserting consenttexts via the loader causes an error when the target consenttext has state „ARCHIVED“.

Archived release notes