TOLERANT MPM Release 1.7



  • Fully functional handling of constraints regarding rights/roles of the logged in user was implemented in GUI. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • The new API Method „archive“ is now availabla to set state ARCHIVED in consentText and textBlocks. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • It is now possible to manually archive consentTexts and textBlocks via GUI. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • MPM now ships with a newer Tomcat version (Tomcat 9.0.40). (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)

New Product Features

Client GUI

  • Added consistent loading indicator for all relevant views. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • Improved arrangement of some check boxes in GUI. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • Globally removed placeholders in inputfields since they were redundant to the labels and not localized. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • EF-fields are now shown fully extended in case of any constraint violations. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • Fully functional handling of constraints regarding rights/roles of the logged in user was implemented in GUI. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • A validator was added to the lookup-fields different forms to show an error-message in case of invalid values. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • When creating a new consentText, textBlocks which have similar usages compared to already used textBlocks are now marked that way and disabled. They cannot be added to the consentText unless the textBlocks with similar usages are removed. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • It is now possible to manually archive consentTexts and textBlocks via GUI. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • Changed sorting of the table in change history view to descending (timestamp) . (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • When using the draft button in any window, the changes made in that window are now saved correctly before sending the entity to review process. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • The form in which usages are added was slightly redesigned regarding labels and arrangement. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)


  • Removed certain constraints regarding start- and enddates of consentTexts as well as some automatic logic for setting the enddate and archiving. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • The new API Method „archive“ is now availabla to set state ARCHIVED in consentText and textBlocks. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)


  • Added link in helptexts to jump to global help page. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • MPM now ships with a newer Tomcat version (Tomcat 9.0.40). (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)

Fixed Bugs

Client GUI

  • TPR-8467: The customer search was optimized for small screen resolutions. It now jumps directly to the result table, to make this more visible. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • TPR-8476: It is now possible to edit the attribute type of a legalEntity if the latter is not referenced already. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • TPR-8508: Changes that are executed when a table is filtered in any way now reflect said changes correctly after the filter is removed. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • TPR-8519: Addition of new lookup-values is now possible. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • TPR-8524: Menu bar is no longer shown when returning to login mask via back button in browser. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • TPR-8528: Fixed issue with reappearing records in a table when searching with enabled filter. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • TPR-8539: The validation of emails was improved to allow more special characters like german umlauts. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • TPR-8556: Added Cache-Control header „must-revalidate“ to certain responses to make sure that changes will be immediately visible in the GUI. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)


  • TPR-8530: Editing of consentTextGroup object now correctly updates the type. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • TPR-8555: Clearing of the validity period of a created consentText is now possible. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)


  • TPR-8498: Dots in tenantName are now supported in the customers.match.tenantMappings (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • TPR-8516: Updating postal addresses with missing zipcode no longer results ins internal error when saving a customer. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)
  • TPR-8538: Extra validation was added to the consentText.validityPeriod field. (since 2020/12/10, MPM 1.7)

Known Bugs

  • TPR-8724: The deletion of old entries from Match Index must use the database cached data.