TOLERANT Post Release 11.1

2024/07/16 (Patch 1)

Notices and Warnings

  • The runtime was upgraded to use the latest Java security patch (Java 8 Update 8u412+9) and the latest Jetty 9 server (version 9.4.55).
    In addition general security was improved and vulnerabilities were reduced via updates in the Java and C libraries.
  • The following features are deprecated and will be removed or replaced with the upcoming major release 12.0:
    • Server- and requestlogging will be removed from the configuration and should now be configured in the webserver (product will be shipped with Nginx as default, internal reference TPR-12264).
    • Attribute titleId will be removed from element (internal reference TPR-11258).
    • Attributes user1a, user1b, and so on will be removed from element (internal reference TPR-3424).
    • Attribute fuzzyCompatibility and mode OLD of attribute rcMode will be removed from element since they were outdated and never used.
    • Mode DISTANCE of attribute mode will be removed from element and the providing of the reference data will be discontinued. The functionality will be available via the new search mode GEOCODETOADDRESS. (internal reference TPR-10044).
    • Usage of MongoDB as a database type will be discontinued.

    (since 2024/03/07, 11.1)

  • The runtime was upgraded to use the latest Java security patch (Java 8 Update 8u402+7) and the latest Jetty 9 server (version 9.4.54).
    In addition general security was improved and vulnerabilities were reduced via updates in the Java and C libraries. (since 2024/03/07, 11.1)

New Product Features


  • TPR-10279: The available metrics shown in the GUI dropdown and retrieved via the command matchAdmin.bat –local –cmd „list metric“ from commandline are now ordered alphabetically. (since 2024/03/07, 11.1)


  • TPR-13323: Landscape Engine now supports fallbacks for certain postal codes in Japan, which can be set via the following new attributes:
    • fuzzy.PostalCodeFallback: when activated the engine will try to remove ambiguity by validating the postal code only.
    • fuzzy.PostalCodeFallbackReturnCode: can be used to change the default returnCode (0) used when the fallback has taken place.
  • TPR-12982: Changes in FastCompletion mode for Post Engine V6:
    1. The FastCompletion mode for the V6 engine requires an input mapping of the internal field post.AddressComplete. From now on though, the project can still start up without it and the error handling will be done on request level (see point below).
    2. If the input mapping is missing for FastCompletion mode or if mapping is present but there are no values provided, then a post.ProcessStatus = „I“ will be returned with the new post.ReturnCode = „4“.


  • TPR-12671: It is now possible to configure the software to limit file access to the predefined TOLERANT directories. This setting is activated per default. (since 2024/03/07, 11.1)

Fixed Bugs

Configuration and Administration GUI

  • TPR-10614: Removing certain tree elements in the GUI project settings no longer can result in a broken configuration. (since 2024/03/07, 11.1)
  • TPR-10423: The checkbox „Use synonyms“ now correctly triggers the synonym processing in file preview in GUI and all environment variables are now replaced when parsing the configuration from JSON. (since 2024/03/07, 11.1)
  • TPR-10299: The GUI now correctly triggers the notification that requests the user to save the configuration when he navigates to another view. (since 2024/03/07, 11.1)

Client GUI

  • TPR-10328: Request history in Client GUI now correctly displays missing parameters in list and preserves checkbox settings for used/unused input fields. (since 2024/03/07, 11.1)
  • TPR-10327: Request history in Client GUI is now preserved when switching between Admin GUI and Client GUI. (since 2024/03/07, 11.1)
  • TPR-10297: Fixed some minor bugs and added small usability improvements in the client GUI. (since 2024/03/07, 11.1)


  • TPR-13234: Batch run statistics for post.ProcessStatus are now logged correctly in all scenarios.


  • TPR-13116: Supplementary fields of the V6 Engine are now fully supported.


  • TPR-13352: Using the value „SPACE“ for the profile attribute outputFormatDelimiter is now supported for the V6 Engine.
  • TPR-13232: Post Engine V6 no longer returns post.returnCode = „10“ for correct addresses in some cases.
  • TPR-12978: Misleading errors caused by the V6 engine not returning results were removed from the logfile.
  • TPR-10631: It is now possible to configure a logging element, with just the filename in path. (since 2024/03/07, 11.1)
  • TPR-10475: Database consistency check will not remove the schema name from the tablename if included to execute the check. (since 2024/03/07, 11.1)

Known Bugs

  • Currently no known bugs.