TOLERANT Match Release 7.1


New Product Features


  • The usage of MongoDB databases is now supported for original data.


  • The Attribut ‚tokenSubset‘ in ‚matchProfileField‘ has now three new possible values:
    • INDEX_MIN_1: at least one token of the search query should be found in Match index
    • INDEX_MIN_2: at least two tokens of the search query should be found in Match index
    • INDEX_MIN_3: at least three tokens of the search query should be found in Match index

Fixed Bugs


  • TPR-4612: Deletion of entries in the original database now work correctly.
  • TPR-4628: The proxy engine now uses internally a data structure that preserves the order of internal and original data fields
  • TPR-4641: The evaluation of the ‚active‘ flag in Match project is corrected. If active flag was set, then the incative project will be ignored during the configuration phase. Please note that this flag is relevant only for Match service.

Known Bugs

Currently no known bugs.