TOLERANT Name Release 8.0



  • The new trim types M, RM, LM and A have been added to the following configuration-elements and tools:
    • serviceInputField
    • serviceOutputField
    • csvInputField
    • csvOutputField
    • databaseInputField
    • databaseOutputField
  • (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • The installer will now abort the installation if the target directory is not empty. The following exceptions are allowed: the installer itself can be in the installation directory or a previous installation can be in the installation directory. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • All logfiles other than the request log now have a new timestamp format. It now complies with the ISO 8601 standard. Examples:
  • Previous: 20 Mar 2017 16:27:58,840
  • Now: 2017-03-28 16:27:58,840 (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • An up-to-date java virtual machine (1.8.0_131) is now bundled with the product. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • The mode „INTERNAL“ is no longer supported. The new default mode is now „PROBABILISTIC“.
  • The SQLite database driver is now fully integrated in Tolerant products.
  • The admin-command „get environment“ returns a json object instead of a string for the key „ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES“. This change breaks the backward compatibility for the admin GUI and service.

New Product Features


  • The console output of batch processes was extended to show the path of input and output files.


  • The new attribute „forceOutput“ for serviceOutputField elements has been added. It can be used to force the serviceOutputField elements to appear in a service response even if the field is not mapped with an inputFieldmapItem. In this case, its value is an empty string. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • New serviceOutputField attributes allow changing the default sorting of service results:
    • sortMode: defines how the comparision between field’s values is done.
    • sortFieldOrder: determines the order of the field in the sorting criteria.
    • sortAsc: ascending or descending sorting.
  • The admin-command „get environment“ returns a json object instead of a string for the key „ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES“.


  • Several improvements were made for the admin GUIs. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • An example which can be used to change the default constraints on the ‚dir.list‘ right was added to the example ’security.xml‘.


  • PL/SQL client can now handle SSL-connections using the new method createSSLConnection. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • The Java API does not use a certain logging library. An internal implementation is used for basic logging. The logging level can now be changed using the java property tolerant.api.logLevel. Please refer to the manual for further details about possible logging configurations.
  • The Java API has now new methods to change the project and profile of a connection instance.


  • The audit logfile now contains the IP address of the caller.
  • New trim types have been added to input and output fields. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • Extended logging of environment information was added. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • Support information now includes the last modification date for each file. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • Improved installation consistency check in ’‘ and ‚‘. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • An up-to-date java virtual machine (1.8.0_131) is now bundled with the product. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • The mode „INTERNAL“ is no longer supported. The new default mode is now „PROBABILISTIC“.
  • The configuration check now checks the runtime section only once.
  • The ‚checkinstallation‘ tool will now compare checksums generated for TLCONFIG to determine whether configuration files were changed after the installation.
  • The SQLite database driver is now fully integrated in Tolerant products.
  • The log messages of third party libraries can be redirected to the Tolerant trace file. For example, adding the following ‚parameter‘ element will change the log level of the hikaricp connection pool to TRACE: The default log level of integrated opensource libraries is ‚ERROR‘.
  • An example of how to adjust the java heap memory setting can be found in the ‚tolerantEnv‘ script file located in the configuration directory of a new installation.

Fixed Bugs


  • TPR-4163: The probabilistic parser now remove white spaces at the beginning and end of each rule.
  • TPR-4409: The output of durations in batch processing did use different locales and was either using „,“ (comma) or „.“ (dot) as decimal separator. This has now been fixed. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-4809: The validation for the filepath attribute in summaryFile element was corrected, so that a warning is written instead of an error, since the attribute has a default value.
  • TPR-4978: Errors that occur while writing the output in database are now counted correctly in statistics on console.


  • TPR-3880: The service response for soap request with security activated was changed, so that the service error code is written in soap body. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-4198: In case of windows operation system, variable MY_MEM_OPTS could now be overridden by service registration. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-4402: If both HTTP and HTTPS are configured the admin CLI will now prefer HTTPS. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-4443: The order of projects‘ states written during the start of the service is now deterministic.
  • TPR-4519: The environment variable BUILDNUMBER will now be set correctly in case the product is registered as a windows service.
  • TPR-4730: The service state will be changed from UNKNOWN to CONFIGURING right after reading the configuration file.
  • TPR-4774: The admin commandline tool no longer returnes ’null‘ for product name when trying to execute unimplemented commands.
  • TPR-4854: Error messages logged after failed service requests were extended to include the cause of the failure.


  • TPR-3878: Error messages for ’security.bat/sh‘ in case of wrong usage have been improved. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)


  • TPR-4455: The paths of the specification and body scripts in the installation package for PL/SQL client were corrected.
  • TPR-4703: ‚resultOverflow‘ in JSON result is now only parsed if the ‚resultCount‘ is bigger than zero.


  • TPR-3519: Misleading installer output for modified files was improved. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-3550: The support script now uses the temporary folder of the installation. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-3839: The installer will now create a backup version of the old tolerantEnv file. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-3840: Upgrade now deletes the Jetty-tmp directories if the hostname was used for JETTY_HOST. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-3843: The installer script now resolves symbolic links. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-3892: The new trim types M, RM, LM and A now work for the following configuration-elements and tools:
    • serviceOutputField
    • csvOutputField
    • databaseOutputField
  • (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-3937: The installer will now abort the installation if the target directory is not empty. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-4000: Calculation of database statistics were improved. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-4083: All logfiles other than the request log now have a new timestamp format. It now complies with the ISO 8601 standard. Examples:
  • Previous: 20 Mar 2017 16:27:58,840
  • Now: 2017-03-28 16:27:58,840 (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-4369: The installer no longer changes the default value of JETTY_HOST when upgrading an older version of the product.
  • TPR-4376: The script that verifies an installation did report some changed files multiple times. This has now been fixed. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-4377: The option show of the support script now writes the list of changed files to the console.
  • TPR-4381: The file had windows line-endings even on *nix platforms. This has been fixed. (since 2017/05/27, 7.0)
  • TPR-5043: Protocol and port entered during the installation will now be used for the PL/SQL client example.

Known Bugs

  • Currently no known bugs.