TOLERANT MPM Release 1.9



  • MPM now ships with the newst version of WsAuth.

New Product Features

Client GUI

  • Deeplink support for individual resources and the customer search was extended.
  • Upgraded MPM GUI to version 12 of Angular.
  • When creating a new customer blocking, the start date is now filled with the current date.
  • New attribute was added to configure the padding of the usage group icons in the GUI. For more details please refer to the manual.
  • MPM GUI now shows the logged in tenant and its description in the header menu bar.


  • Bundled Java runtime was upgraded to use JRE 8u302 and Tomcat 9.0.52 (not applied to existing MPM installations).


  • MPM now ships with the newst version of WsAuth.


  • Updated the manual for the mpm-configuration regarding the latest changes.
  • It is now possible to set and update the end date of customer blockings.
  • The deletion of customers now needs the new role: CustomerDataDeletionAdmin.

Fixed Bugs

Client GUI

  • TPR-8827: Caching solution was implemented to minimize the number of similar requests sent from the GUI to the backend. This should prevent seemingly endless loading on specific tables.
  • TPR-9167: MPM GUI now tries to use the browser language. If the browser language is not supported, the GUI will use en-GB as a fallback language.
  • TPR-9331: Breadcrumbs in all views are now rendered correctly.
  • TPR-9360: MPM GUI now displays the correct mouse cursor type when hovering over certain elements.


  • TPR-9080: MPM Loader now supports the field remark in the customer consent bean.


  • TPR-8935: The handling of different number classes in the consolidation function wrapper was improved.
  • TPR-8949: MPM Service now uses the X-Forwarded-For header correctly, even if the service war file is running behind a proxy.
  • TPR-9099: Query log entries of type CUSTOMER_CONSOLIDATEDPERMISSIONSTATUS now reference all cetrain customers in the consolidation request.


  • TPR-9080: MPM Loader now supports the field remark in the customer consent bean.
  • TPR-9232: Searching for customer consents with sub legal entities flag now returns the correct results.
  • TPR-9373: Creating a customer consent with an archived text without valid-to now works properly.

Known Bugs

  • TPR-9405: Purposes with slashes in their name can not be edited via GUI after the initial insert.